Less is More: Redefining My Daily Posts
After 15 days of juggling three topics, it’s time for a change. Streamlining for balance and clarity starts today.
July 25, 2024
Well, folks, it’s finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Here I am, spreading myself thinner than margarine on toast, and for what? Writing three topics in one post like a madman juggling flaming chainsaws. It’s a bloody mess. But you know what they say, “Physician, heal thyself!” Yeah, I’m breaking my own email rule, the one I preach to clients: one topic per email. I mean, have you ever gotten one of those unstructured, rambling emails? Feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack, right? You reply to one point, and the other two vanish into the ether.
So, how did I think I could cram three topics into one post and keep my sanity? Pure idiocy, that’s how. But hey, we learn from our mistakes, right? Starting today, I’m doing a hard reset. One topic per post, keeping it tight and focused. No more brain-splitting context switches. I’ll be like a laser beam, straight and narrow. And boy, does it feel like a weight off my shoulders. No more sweating bullets trying to come up with three separate stories. Just one solid nugget of wisdom, straight from the heart.
Take that dyslexia post from earlier this week. Man, did it hit a nerve. People resonated with it, shared their stories, gave feedback. I threw it up on Reddit and it got some love. But did anyone give a damn about my ramblings before and after the main point? Not a chance. They were there for the meat, not the fluff.
So, here’s the new deal: each post gets one focus. Today, it’s about this very shift. Yeah, it’s a bit self-serving, but bear with me. My inner critic’s been having a field day, but this change is for the better. I want you to feel my relief, my excitement about this new direction. I’m cutting out the noise and zeroing in. And if something resonates, we dive deeper, like a treasure hunter striking gold. Remember that dyslexia piece? Now I’m digging further, running a survey on Reddit, gathering personal stories, exploring those raw feelings.
The podcast stays, though. Just launched it a few days ago, and the numbers are promising. More eyes on my content, er, ears listening, I mean.
Some days, let’s face it, are as dull as still water. Wake up, hit the gym, shower, slog through work, rinse and repeat. Nothing to write home about. But I’ve got a stash of topics—about 40—that I’m passionate about, ready to roll out.
I get ideas all day long. Thanks, dyslexic brain! But only a few make it to the page. Ever have a great idea that slips away because you didn’t jot it down? It’s like losing your keys, but worse. This new focus means I can capture those gems and share them with you.
So, here’s to a new chapter. More focused, more engaging, and hopefully more valuable to you, my dear reader. If this shift makes sense, drop me a line. Your feedback keeps me going, fuels the fire. I need it like a cowboy needs his horse.
Thanks for sticking with me. Writing this has been like pulling a thorn from my paw. Feels good, less pressure. Here’s what I’ll be writing about:
1. Something Remarkable: Sharing the interesting bits of my day . Everyone’s a voyeur at heart.
2. Personal Growth: My journey with dyslexia, book reflections, and bigger life lessons.
3. Transformation: Consulting, business transformation, and using my superpower: getting shit done.
Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here, but a weekly schedule might be on the horizon. For now, let’s see how this goes. One step at a time.
So long, see you on the other side.
Current Books in Parallel Reading:
• Atomic Habits by James Clear
• Pyramid of Success by Coach Wooden
Habits I’m Working On:
• Fitness & Health: More sports, healthy eating, no junk food, lots of veggies, and less sugar. Aim: Sports 4 times a week (weights and running).
Mindset: I’m a runner and I’m healthy.
Status: 30 min run this morning in the hotel gym - yeah
• Dental Health: Flossing daily to avoid crowns and root canals.
Mindset: I have healthy teeth and I don’t hear the drill sound anymore
Status: yes done today
• Writing: Practice, practice, practice—daily diary entries, no excuses.
Mindset: One more piece done - iterating the approach
• Weight: 112 kg (still still no scale)
Mindset: I’m a healthy and control my weight to feel better
Consecutive Days Posting on Walter’s Diary:
Sixteen (16)