July 12th, 2024 - Dealing with Dipshits: A Consultant’s Saga
From Playground Bullies to Passive-Aggressive Exes, It’s All Crap
Today was a shitstorm sequel. Had to deal with a corporate idiot, part two. Debriefed with the playground bully—this guy’s got excuses for days. Starts with, “It was an okay, generic demo,” then moves to, “Oh, I might have missed your email,” and finally lands on, “Yeah, it was shit.” What a loser. Now he wants an architectural meeting. Sure, buddy. I should ask for hazard pay for enduring this nonsense. Felt a bit sorry for him, but also got some “Fremdschämen” for him. Did you know the German alphabet has a few extra letters: ä, ü, ö? Just so they can be even more direct and rude.
It was a sucker’s day. Had a few meetings, then got a massive headache around noon that wouldn’t quit. And then the Mother started being a dick again. Insufferable! Turns the smallest things into big issues and always with that passive-aggressive questioning. I just ignored it and hung up on her—felt damn good. Soon she’ll ask for more money. A wise MFer once said, “You can’t heal at the same place which made you sick.”
And these LinkedIn suckers. Posting this 1% every day crap from Atomic Habits from James Clear. Sure, continuous improvement is great, but grow a brain. The 1% thing is exponential. The base increases, so the absolute value you need to add grows too. On day 1, say you have a value of 100 you need to increase by only 1, but on day 365, you need to increase by 37 to get to 3740. That’s a 3600% increase! If you start with a habit for 15 minutes on day 1 and keep up with this 1% crap, by the end of the year, you’re looking at 9 hours. Boom, MFers… it doesn’t work. Math doesn’t work here. Yes, we’re stupid meatsacks, homage to Skippy, so biological growth is possible, but 37x better in one year? Come on…
So long, I end my entry with: Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.